Friday 25 January 2013

I am officially Suprecurs bitch

Sooooo, I started my period yesterday,  after 11 days injecting suprecur. And oh my god do I know it. Literally the most painful and heaviest period I've ever had.

Literally, I am living in paranoid fear I'm going to "leak". So bad, that it actually stirred a really old memory I had completely forgotten! I was about 11/12 and it was my second ever period, I had a sleep over for my birthday, and everything was fantastic until I woke up the morning after. I had started my period during the night, so when I got out of my bed it was like something out of a horror film. Over the sheets, my nightie, everywhere. I burst into tears and ran to the bathroom, where I refused to leave, until all my friends had left! My mum was great, but I was devastated. Luckily I was the first to start my period, so my friends were pretty traumatised by the whole thing, and it was never mentioned again. But it took a looooong time for me to get over it.

Well, isn't that thrilling. A whole post about my bleeding vagina. Delightful.

On another note, I have a date early Wednesday morning with dildo cam. Can't wait, I love leaving the scan room feeling like I have half a bottle of lube up my foof.

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