Tuesday 1 May 2012

What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.

That's what I keep telling myself, and what I think most people who know about our situation must think too. You can't miss what you never had, right? So why not just carry on as if nothing ever happened. I don't know what it is to be a mum, I doubt I will ever know what it feels like to carry a baby in my womb. To experience the joy & nervousness of preparing for the birth. I know all of this, but I also know the absolute heart break that i feel everyday, as we prepare for a future without a baby. No mother will never know how all consuming my longing for a baby is.

I suppose I just don't know where to go. Children was always the biggest goal for me. Where do we go now? What path do we take? I feel my life is worthless, and I have no idea how to validate it.