Monday 22 October 2012

Waaaahhhhh! Updated!

Right, It seems I can literally talk for england. My video is too long, and you tube is being a bitch about it, so I think I may need an extension! I'm going to re-film tomorrow and keep it short & sweet! Gah, I've been really enjoying everybody's videos too. But I will be back tomorrow, I promise!

I can't seem to upload my video :(

I can't figure out why it won't load, I'm using imovie, is there anything better to use?  Anyway, i have to go shopping, then I will be coming to view everyone else!


  1. Oh no! I wish I could be more help, but I completely forest gumped my way through making a video and I can't even tell you what program I used... wait... I think it was YouCam, I saved it, then uploaded it.. it took awhile for it to load/process correctly but it did eventually. :/

  2. I used you tube....really easy. Keep trying!

  3. You're doing better than me. I couldn't even figure out how to record video on my computer and just used my phone.

  4. I agree with K...try uploading it to youtube and then add it to your blog through there. You can log in to you tube with your gmail/blogger account. Let me know if you need any help!!

  5. I had the same problem and had to add time...but it worked...eventually!

  6. I just filmed straight onto the blog. When you make a new post you can film from the webcam.
    Can't wait to see your video. I've really enjoyed watching everyone (not in a creepy way)
